A week in paradise
A week in paradise

a week in paradise

* CrackAddict - Gives you lots Tubac health (weed known health 125) * AmmoWhore - Gives max ammo at 9999 for all weapons. * RapeStick - Gives you a stick with nails. * EDWeapons - Gives weapons from Eternal damnation. * Armory - Gives you most of the weapons in the game from AW7. * MeowMix - Gives you lots of dervish cats * Sup - Shows game statistics (the number of dead, etc.) (from AW)

a week in paradise

* KEY CODES - These codes can be used after playing through AW7 once. * GottaBeFuc*ingKidding Suite cheat the withdrawal of all cheat codes. * ImACheatingCheaterWhoCheats - Allows you to use cheat codes. * CHEAT ENABLERS - These codes enable the use of cheat codes in AW7. Codes for AW7, but they will be suitable for Delete Review.

A week in paradise